A plurality of telescopes provide output return signals which are applied both directly and in sampled form to a photo-detector cell. The detected signals from the photo-detector will represent the constant and transient errors of the telescope system. A low pass filter insures that the tracker provides only the constant or D.C. component of the error, while a high pass filter insures that the existing measuring devices for each telescope beam provide only the transient or A.C. component of the error. The A.C. and D.C. error signals are summed together with the appropriate applied gains on each channel such that the sum reconstructs the original telescope position error with good fidelity.
Document Type
Issue Date
Patent Number
US 4667090 A [4,667,090]
CPC Classification
Application number
Government of the United States, as represented by the Secretary of the Air Force, Washington, DC (US)
Filing Date
Recommended Citation
Carreras, Richard A., Salvatore J. Cusumano, Morton B. Jenks, and Robert I. Suizu. Synthetic Aperture Multi-Telescope Tracker Apparatus. United States Patent 4667090 (A), issued 19 May 1987. https://scholar.afit.edu/patents/49
A0-size US 4667090
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