Application of GAMESS/NEO to Quantum Calculations of Muonic Molecules

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The General Atomic and Molecular Electronic Structure System (GAMESS) has been modified to perform studies involving negative muons. This system, coupled with the Nuclear-Electronic Orbital (NEO) method enables the ab-initio study of muonic atoms where both the negative muon and the positive nuclei are modeled as quantum particles. This is of particular usefulness in the study light nuclei, muonic atoms, such as is encountered in muon-catalyzed fusion. NEO was also modified to allow the inclusion of positive exotic-particles to be studied using open and closed shell Hartree-Fock and Configuration Interaction. Capitalizing on these modified methods, the muon density and vibrational dynamics of some light muonic molecules have been analyzed.
Abstract © IOP


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From a paper presented at: Advanced Science Research Symposium 2009 Positron, Muon and other exotic particle beams for materials and atomic/molecular sciences (ASR2009), 10–12 November 2009, Tokai, Japan



Source Publication

Journal of Physics: Conference Series
