Polychromatic Wave-Optics Models for Image-Plane Speckle. 1. Well-Resolved Objects

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Polychromatic laser light can reduce speckle noise in wavefront-sensing and imaging applications that use direct-detection schemes. To help quantify the achievable reduction in speckle, this paper investigates the accuracy and numerical efficiency of three separate wave-optics methods. Each method simulates the active illumination of extended objects with polychromatic laser light. In turn, this paper uses the Monte Carlo method, the depth-slicing method, and the spectral-slicing method, respectively, to simulate the laser-object interaction. The limitations and sampling requirements of all three methods are discussed. Further, the numerical efficiencies of the methods are compared over a range of conditions. The Monte Carlo method is found to be the most efficient, while spectral slicing is more efficient than depth slicing for well-resolved objects. Finally, Hu’s theory is used to quantify method accuracy when possible (i.e., for well-resolved objects). In general, the theory compares favorably to the simulation methods. Abstract © OSA.


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Applied Optics
