Comparative Polarimetric Scatter Measurements of Plasmonic Meta-surface Devices in the Infrared
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date
We studied two configurations of identically designed meta-surface phase elements configured to achieve a simple optical function. A “phased-array” configuration outperformed a “blazed-grating” configuration both computationally and empirically. Design, configurations and experimental details are presented.
Source Publication
Optica Design and Fabrication Congress 2023 (IODC, OFT) (2023), paper JTu4A.25
Recommended Citation
M. A. Marciniak, D. B. Burckel, C. D. Diaz, and V. Zampillo, "Comparative Polarimetric Scatter Measurements of Plasmonic Meta-surface Devices in the Infrared," in Optica Design and Fabrication Congress 2023 (IODC, OFT), Technical Digest Series (Optica Publishing Group, 2023), paper JTu4A.25.
The full text of this paper is available via subscription or purchase through the link in the citation below.
Co-author Carlos Diaz was co-affiliated with the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency at the time of this publication.
Co-author Vincent Zampillo was co-affiliated with the Southwest Ohio Council for Higher Education at the time of this publication.
This paper did not have an assigned DOI at the date of posting on AFIT Scholar.