"Development and Characterization of a Chromotomosynthetic Hyperspectra" by Randall L. Bostick

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of Engineering Physics

First Advisor

Glen P. Perram, PhD.


A chromotomosynthetic imaging (CTI) methodology based upon mathematical reconstruction of a set of 2-D spectral projections to collect high-speed (100 Hz) 3-D hyperspectral data cube has been proposed. The CTI system can simultaneously provide usable 3-D spatial and spectral information, provide high-frame rate slitless 1-D spectra, and generate 2-D imagery equivalent to that collected with no prism in the optical system. The wavelength region where prism dispersion is highest (500 nm) is most sensitive to loss of spectral resolution in the presence of systematic error, while wavelengths 600 nm suffer mostly from a shift of the spectral peaks. The quality of the spectral resolution in the reconstructed hyperspectral imagery was degraded by as much as a factor of two in the blue spectral region with less than 1° total angular error in mount alignment in the two axes of freedom. Even with no systematic error, spatial artifacts from the reconstruction limit the ability to provide adequate spectral imagery without specialized image reconstruction techniques as targets become more spatially and spectrally uniform.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number

