"Design of a Lighter than Air Vehicle that Achieves Positive Buoyancy i" by Trent T. Metlen

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics

First Advisor

Anthony N. Palazotto, PhD.


Three designs for a Lighter Than Air (LTA) structure that achieve positive buoyancy using a vacuum in place of a lifting gas were proposed and evaluated. The ratio of structure weight to the weight of displaced air was termed Weight/Buoyant Force (W/B) where a W/B1 corresponds to positive buoyancy. Two methods of geometrically stiffening a sphere were investigated and their W/B evaluated. A thin shelled sphere of beryllium stiffened with an isogrid of blade type stiffeners using Ultra High Modulus (UHM) carbon epoxy was predicted to give a W/B= 0.79. A geodesic sphere composed of a frame of cylindrical, UHM, carbon epoxy, pultruded rods with a thin external membrane was evaluated using Finite Element Analysis. A W/B=0.57 was calculated for the frame. The skin was predicted to add 0.37 to the W/B if Zylon was used to reinforce a Mylar membrane, which resulted in a predicted structure W/B=0.94. These structures were optimized using a non-linear programming optimization routine in MATLAB. A unique LTA vehicle concept composed of twin counter-rotating cylinders that made use of a virtual elliptical body to reduce drag and maintain structural integrity with a vacuum was also investigated and found to be infeasible.

AFIT Designator


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