"Verification and validation of Monte Carlo N-Particle 6 for Computing " by William J. Erwin

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Engineering Physics

First Advisor

Justin A. Clinton, PhD.


This thesis examined the suitability of a particle simulator known as "Monte Carlo n-Particle 6" (MCNP6) to determine how well U.S. Army vehicles shield their occupants from gamma radiation. MCNP6 compared favorably to three alternate modeling approaches and another particle simulator. In a validation experiment, MCNP6 was found to produce a gamma protection factor within 5% of the experimental result with 95% confidence. Further evaluations validated MCNP6's ability to produce reliable results with simplified or approximated inputs, model different sources, and position those sources in different shielding geometries. MCNP6 is suitable for evaluating gamma protection of Army vehicles and further research to explore the effects of different shielding shapes and evaluate the suitability for MCNP6 to calculate a comprehensive radiation protection factor is warranted.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number

