Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Operational Sciences

First Advisor

Michael W. Garrambone, Major, USAF


This thesis provides the foundation to expand the newly developed theater level computerized wargame, SABER, at the Air Force Wargaming Center, Maxwell AFB, Alabama to include space conflict at the theater level of simulation. Building upon the recently completed SABER, this thesis effort expands the conceptual framework of the model by integrating the dynamics of space warfare into the current theater level model. This expansion forms a new game called SWATTER. This thesis adds the space units required to integrate the land and air battles with the possible interactions from space. This thesis expands the stochastic attrition processes to include interactions between space forces, ground forces, and air forces with the use of unclassified engineering models. The use of these models results in credible interactions throughout SWATTER. The main components of SWATTER include, satellite constellation determination, mapboard representation of the satellite constellation, detection and targeting processes, intelligence, command and control processes, laser weapon interactions, and stochastic attrition. The goal is to provide sufficient documentation on the necessary algorithms and related equations for programmers to build a computer simulation with a reasonable run time and credible output.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number



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