Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Operational Sciences

First Advisor

Yupo Chan, PhD


The major purpose of this investigation was to implement subregion allocation objectives using a network model base on an existing subregion allocation binary programming model (Benabdallah and Wright (B&W), 1990), the ultimate goal being the application of subregion allocation concepts towards the spatial analysis of satellite imagery. The multi-objective aspects of subregion allocation can be accomplished via a network formulation, a formulation vastly simpler in complexity than the binary programming models previously used. Without a network programming package that could maintain integral flows, however, deriving the solution was a tiresome task for the user. Nonetheless, several new concepts and advantages to using networks were discussed and demonstrated to the degree possible. Spatial analysis could benefit from applying a modified version of the B&W model to the pixels of satellite imagery in a way which takes advantage of the inherent contiguity of natural terrain subregions. Trending and forecasting of subregion changes, tasks that rely on acquiring data in a consistent manner image after image, could benefit due to the fact that major spatial characteristics of subregions could be extracted, and minor spatial changes could be removed.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number



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