Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Operational Sciences

First Advisor

Yupo Chan, PhD


This research investigated the measurement and improvement of two performance parameters, expected flow and reliability, for stochastic communication networks. There were three objectives of this research. The first was to measure the reliability of large stochastic networks. This was accomplished through an investigation into the current methodologies in the literature, with a subsequent selection and application of a factoring program developed by Page and Perry. The second objective was to develop a reliability improvement model given that a mathematical reliability expression did not exist. This was accomplished modeling a heuristic by Jain and Gopal, into a linear improvement model. Finally, the third objective was to examine the trade- off between maximizing expected flow and reliability. This was accomplished through generating bounds for the efficient frontier in a modified multicriteria optimization approach. Using the methodologies formulated in this research, the performance parameters of both expected flow and reliability can be measured and subsequent improvements made providing insight into the operational capabilities of stochastic communication networks.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number



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