Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Operational Sciences

First Advisor

Michael W. Garrambone, Major, USAF

Second Advisor

Paul F. Auclair, Major, USAF


The Air Force Institute of Technology is one of few institutions that teaches combat modeling. Combat models are typically dynamic computer simulations of specialized dynamic processes. Great difficulty exists in portraying these dynamic and recurrent processes with conventional static diagrams. This thesis produced a computer-based instructional aid which presents animated examples of processes common to combat models, demonstrates a simple few-on-few aerial combat model, and encourages student exploration and interaction with these presentations. This aid provides dynamic examples of random number generation, detection processes, target selection, and target destruction. A complete combat model demonstrating a few-on-few air duel is animated and includes features which permits students to monitor the internal processes and continuously changing states of the simulation. Generated model output displays typical measures of products often used in verification and validation of combat models. A follow- up questionnaire challenges the student and their understanding of combat modeling methodologies and encourages their curiosity to explore the inner workings of the model. As with any developmental software package, improvements and enhancements can always be made. This thesis provides the foundation to support these welcomed improvements and enhancements.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number



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