Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Engineering Physics

First Advisor

Denis E. Beller, PhD


This engineering design project examined the creation of a radiation environment for warm x-ray effects testing in the Nova Upgrade laser facility. With the use of the MORSE Monte Carlo Code and the DABL69 Broad-group cross section library, the ignition of an inertial confinement fusion pellet using D-T fuel in a test cassette was modeled in the Nova Upgrade's target chamber. Various x-ray scattering materials were used in the test cassette to include enriched lithium hydride, polyethylene, liquid hydrogen, liquid helium, and liquid methane. The lithium hydride produced the best warm x-ray doses and least neutron dose. The predicted x-ray dose in silicon was 6.30 ± 0.09 kGy per MJ (630 krad/MJ ) of warm x-ray yield with a peak dose rate of 2.3 x 1012 Gy/s per MJ (2.3 x 1014 rad/s per MJ). For a nominal 20 MJ D-T ICF pellet with a 1% warm x-ray yield, the dose is 1.38 kGy (138 krad) and the peak dose rate is 4.6 x 1011 Gy/s (4.6 x 1013 rad/s). When this result is compared with the existing warm x-ray NWET simulators (MBS and MBS(PI)), three orders of magnitude gain in dose and four orders of magnitude gain in dose rate are realized. Less than 1% of the total dose was due to neutrons.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number



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