Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Randall N. Paschall, PhD


To quantify the performance abilities of existing or proposed navigation systems, the U.S. Air Force has, for the last several years, compared the performance of the system under test to the performance of a baseline navigation system known as the Completely Integrated Reference Instrumentation System (CIRIS). CIRIS obtains a highly accurate navigation solution by combining information from three major subsystems: inertial navigation system (INS) information, barometric altitude information, and range and range-rate information from ground transponders which have been precisely surveyed. Although the navigation solution produced by CIRIS is highly accurate, it will soon be inadequate as the standard against which future navigation systems can be tested. This research proposes as alternative to CIRIS - a hybrid Enhanced Navigation Reference System (ENRS) which is designed to take advantage of a newer INS (the LN-93), certain features of the current CIRIS, and certain features of differential corrections to Global Positioning System (DGPS) measurements. Analysis is conducted using a Kalman filter development package known as the Multimode Simulation for Optimal Filter Evaluation (MSOFE). Both a large order truth model for the ENRS (in which a full 24 satellite constellation is modeled) and full-and reduced-order Kalman filters are developed. Results suggest that the proposed ENRS (with DGPS aiding) provides a navigation solution one order of magnitude better than CIRIS.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number

