Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Mark A. Mehalic, PhD

Second Advisor

Martin DeSimio


This thesis encompasses two themes: (1) A comparison of the Network Operating System (NOS) software package, developed by Phil Karn and others, and AFITPAC, written by Marsh and Geier at the Air Force Institute of Technology. The comparison is based on the Air Force Logistics Command's requirements for the development of a Packet Radio Network program. The results of the comparison are a recommendation that use of the NOS package be pursued because it can meet all twelve of the requirements and compiles with five of the Military Standard Protocols. (2) The design of a personal computer Packet Radio Network Simulator used to analyze the network performance of AFITPAC and NOS is proposed. The proposal concludes with a discussion of problems in development of the simulation which used MODSIM IITM, C++, and a 80386/25Mhz personal computer. Recommendations are made for pursuing the simulation effort on other hardware platforms and for improvements to the design.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number



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