
Paul R. Work

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Gary B. Lamont, PhD


This thesis investigates the parallelization of existing serial programs in computational electromagnetics for use in a parallel environment. Existing Algorithms for calculating the radar cross section of a object are covered, and a ray-tracing code is chosen for implementation on a parallel machine. Current parallel architectures are introduced and a suitable parallel machine is selected for the implementation of the chosen ray tracing algorithm. The standard techniques for the parallelization of serial code are discussed, including load balancing and decomposition considerations, and appropriate methods for the parallelization effort are selected. A load balancing algorithm is modified to increase the efficiency of the application, and a high level design of the structure of the serial program is presented. A detailed design of the modifications for the parallel implementation is also included, with both the high level and the detailed design specified in a high level design language called UNITY. The correctness of the design is proven using UNITY and standard logic operations. The theoretical and empirical results show that is possible to achieve and efficient parallel application of a serial computational electromagnetic program where the characteristics of the algorithm and the target architecture critically influence the development of such a implementation.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number



The author's Vita page is omitted.

Work_p_298.pdf (111 kB)
SF298 for thesis of Paul R. Work
