Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Mark A. Roth, PhD


One of the most cost effective ways to learn and home the skills necessary to conduct and win a war is through the use of realistic computer simulations of conflict, or wargames. The Saber wargame was developed for just this purpose. Saber is a multisided, theater-level simulation developed by the Air Force Institute of Technology for the Air Force Wargaming Center. It models conventional, nuclear, and chemical warfare between aggregated air and ground forces. To aid in the realism, the effects of logistics, satellites, weather, and intelligence are represented. Saber provides an avenue for senior level joint service officers to improve their airpower employment skills. This thesis documents the object-oriented design and implementation of the graphical post- processor for the Saber wargame. The user interface provides the game players with the force status information necessary to plan and execute a theater-level air war. The interface includes a report processor that produces reports for on screen viewing or printing. The system also provides animation capabilities to allow the game players to see how the day's battle unfolded in an effort to enhance the learning process. The user interface was written in the Ada programming language using he X Window System and OSF/Motif widget set. The combination of the X Window System and the object-oriented philosophy proved effective in developing a user interface that is easy to use, predictable, and flexible. The system can be executed on any hardware platform that supports the X Window System. The use of the object-oriented paradigm should make it easy to enhance and maintain the interface.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number



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