Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics

First Advisor

Milton E. Franke, PhD


This wind tunnel study investigated the lift, drag, and pitching moment of a 20% thick, 8.5% camber, partial elliptical cross-section, single blowing slot, 2.325 aspect ratio, rectangular circulation control wing. The AFIT 5-foot wind tunnel was used. Lift and drag were referenced to the wind axis. The Reynolds number was 500,000 for all tests. Angle of attack was varied from -6 to 16 degrees and the effects of pulsed blowing were investigated. Effects of tripping the Coanda jet with a small flow barrier attached spanwise along the Coanda surface were also studied. Results indicate that there is a limit on maximum lift obtainable by increasing circulation. The limit is presumed to be the result of three-dimensional effects. Pulsed blowing has little effect on average lift, but results in violent oscillation of the wing as the sting physically bends under cyclic loading. In certain situations, tripping the Coanda jet may reduce drag without decreasing lift.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number



The author's Vita page is omitted.

Lacher_298.pdf (113 kB)
SF298 for AFIT-GAE-ENY-91D-4
