Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics

First Advisor

Gerald A. Hasen, PhD


The WL/FIMM explicit, Roe flux-splitting Euler algorithm is applied to the inviscid hypersonic flow over a parabolic-top waverider configuration optimized for Mach 10 at zero degrees angle of attack. An on-design grid refinement study is conducted to determine the asymptotic nature of the optimized flight parameter L/D. A parametric study of off-design conditions is conducted to determine flow perturbation effects on HSDT waverider theory. A validation of the Euler code is conducted through a comparison of the numerical data to analytical results derived by Rasmussen. The grid refinement study shows little effect on the inviscid calculation of the optimized parameter L/D. Good agreement with HSDT waverider theory was attained for the on and off-design evaluations. Approximations involved in the numerical modeling of the waverider design produce large losses of lift as compared to the analytical results. Matching of the analytical results was possible only through a theoretical modeling process.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number



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