Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics


Bearing friction can be accurately modeled using the Coulomb friction model, provided the bearing is running. In an application where the bearing is rotated only a very small amount, the bearing does not actually rotate. Instead, the bearing undergoes plastic deformation. A nonlinear friction model was developed by P. R. Dahl of the Aerospace Corporation in the late sixties which addresses this region of placticity or compliance zone. Two friction compensation schemes for a single axis position servomechanism were developed and compared in this study. The first compensator was an integral control regulator/estimator which used the Coulomb friction model. The second, more complicated compensator, was an extended Kalman filter (EKF) design which used the DAHL friction model. The compensator designs were simulated using ProMatlab. Comparisons were made of the time response characteristics to determine if any increases in performance were worth the added complexity of the Dahl model EKF controller.

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