"Computation of Planar Store Trajectories Using an Adaptive Grid Proced" by William D. Hack

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics

First Advisor

Philip S. Beran, PhD


The objective of this research was to compare a quasi-analytical, potential flow/three-degree-of-freedom model to an implicit-Euler algorithm for the calculation of store trajectories. The implicity algorithm uses a cell- centered, finite-volume, spatial discretization applied to the Euler equations, written in time-dependent, curvilinear-coordinates. A flux-differencing Roe scheme is employed to find the split-fluxes and the Steger/Warming flux-vector method is used to calculate the flux-Jacobians. The potential flow and implicit- Euler algorithm are combined with a three-degree-of-freedom algorithm to evaluate the planar, freefall trajectories of a simple store shape. The research uses two different grid-modification techniques in the implicit algorithm evaluation. Data collected for both grids used the minimum time-step in the three-degree-of-freedom algorithm for a Courant number of 10. Two test cases involved updating the flux-Jacobians after every time-step and only once during every 1000 iterations. The effect of multiplying the minimum time-step by factors of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 100 were also examined. The potential flow and implicit algorithm trajectories didn't compare very closely. The various Δ t and Jacobian-update results matched rather closely.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number



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