Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science

First Advisor

Freda F. Stohrer, PhD


Graduates of the Air Force Institute of Technology's Information Resource Management master's degree program who are subsequently assigned to base-level positions believe their IRM expertise is wasted in base administration roles that preclude the use of their up-to-date technical educations in managing automated information resources. This research forecasts the role AFIT IRM graduates assigned to base-level positions will need to fill by the year 1996. The research further determined what changes are necessary to resolve the perceived differences between current and forecast roles for these graduates. The Delphi survey method of forecasting was selected as an effective method of discovering what role the graduates will need to fill five years from now. The primary advantage of this method was that it provided a select group of knowledgeable individuals an opportunity to develop a consensus of opinion in regard to the general role and specific functions of an IRM graduate at base level. Also, this method ordered the experts' ideas about what it will take to transition to the future role.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number



Presented to the School of Systems and Logistics.
