"An Investigation of Integrated Weapon System Management Implementation" by Scott A. Dalrymple and Lester F. Pietraszuk

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science

First Advisor

Kevin P. Grant, PhD

Second Advisor

Norah H. Hill, Captain, USAF


This thesis investigated Integrated Weapon System Management implementation issues. Five functional areas were examined: Contracting, Engineering, Financial management, Program Management, and Test Management. Data was collected through interviews. The most significant lessons learned were to establish a direct chain of command and to use TQM principles. Program business practices were changed by increasing Product Center/ALC interaction and implementing a single joint CCB. Program personnel obtained useful guidance from other IWSM programs and from the information products distributed by HQ AFMC. Communication improvements included increased teleconference capability and establishment of a Local Area Network. Cultural differences between centers, insufficient initial guidance, and rice bowl mentalities were the most significant hurdles encountered. An examination of specific functional areas revealed that: Contracting officers may expect opportunities to improve contract management; financial managers need to provide increased funding visibility to the single manager; and program managers should expect to change their approach to system life-cycle management.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number



The authors' Vita pages are omitted.

Presented to the Faculty of the School of Systems and Logistics
