"A Determination of the Major Effects of Implementing the Air Force Pub" by Orlin N. Garth

A Determination of the Major Effects of Implementing the Air Force Publishing Distribution Office System (PDOS) in Information Management Work Centers

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science

First Advisor



The purpose of this study was to determine the major effects of implementing the Air Force Publishing Distribution Office System in Information Management work centers. Six investigative questions guided this research. Areas of interest included implementation problems, training, and perceived benefits of the system. A survey Questionnaire was administered to publishing distribution office workers with the following results: The majority of the respondents perceived positive changes and benefits in their workplace as a result of PDOS. Most reported a big improvement in work procedures over the previous manual methods. The strongest support for PDOS came from those who had worked in publishing distribution offices before PDOS was installed. When asked if they would get rid of the system and go back to the previous way of doing business, none agreed. Survey participants also perceived positive changes on a more personal level. Fifty-six percent felt implementation resulted in more interesting work, forty-seven percent saw an increase in their responsibilities, and another forty-seven percent said the importance of their jobs increased. Despite an overall satisfaction implementation problems.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number


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