"Scheduling Air Mobility Command's Channel Cargo Missions" by Gregory S. Rau

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Operational Sciences

First Advisor

John J. Borsi, PhD

Second Advisor

James T. Moore, PhD

Third Advisor

Michael W. Garrarnbone, PhD


Through the use of a linear programming model, this research revised the initial schedule for AMC's channel cargo missions to eliminate any excess delay enroute by minimizing the cumulative, weighted time-in-system for all cargo, according to a given cargo flow. In fact, the revised schedule minimizes any assigned nonnegative weighting of the time-in-system, due to the properties of equivalent measures of performance. When combined with Step One of a proposed two-step process for revising AMC's channel mission schedule, this research can be used to improve the current schedule based on Step One's cargo flow. By carefully defining the notation and adapting the job-shop formulation, this research devised a method for modeling the scheduling of a limited-size portion of AMC's channel system and minimizing the delay enroute. If future research can improve this method using the recommendations provided, this method could become a significant part of AMC's advance planning process.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number



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