"Guidance for the Development of Air Force Storm Water Sampling Program" by Jerry K. Weldon III and Roy T. Willis

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Systems Engineering and Management

First Advisor

Mark N. Goltz, PhD


The purpose of this research was to develop sampling guidance that will enable Air Force (AF) installations to conduct cost effective storm water sampling in accordance with current storm water regulations. Data on the techniques used by AF bases to obtain storm water samples for the AF group storm water permit application were collected and analyzed. This information was used to outline management and resource requirements associated with the implementation of NPDES storm water regulations. The use of in-house personnel, automatic sampling equipment, or a contractor to perform the field data collection was examined. An in-house manual approach to storm water sampling was identified as the preferred alternative. Also discussed are fundamental elements of storm water sampling which must be addressed to successfully complete the sampling process. Key elements presented include: personnel, mobilization strategy, sampling techniques, and equipment. A case study was performed using data obtained from Altus AFB. The study demonstrates how matrices and simple mathematical modeling can be used to petition a permit authority for a reduction in the number of outfalls which require sampling analysis. Of the five outfalls at Altus AFB, only three were found to be in need of sampling.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number



The authors' Vita pages are omitted.
