"Application of the Simplified Dow Chemical Company Relative Ranking Ha" by Raymond A. Sable

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Systems Engineering and Management


This study investigates the possibility of determining the hazard potential of chemicals on Air Force bases using a relative ranking hazard assessment method. Hazard assessment includes identification of hazards and evaluation of the hazards. Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 requires hazard assessments by all facilities with extremely hazardous substances to prepare release prevention plans. The purpose of the hazard assessments is to provide information to improve the spill prevention, control and countermeasures plans and to identify the substances with the highest hazard potential. Using the results from the hazard assessments, bases cam prepare plans to reduce and remove substances with high hazard potentials. Using a simplified relative ranking assessment method developed by Dow Chemical Company, assessments were performed for three Air Combat Command bases. The results from the bases' assessments showed several substances in the high categories. This study recommends an assessment be performed for all bases in each command to identify the higher hazard potential substances. Identification of substances with high accident potential is also a good precursor to pollution prevention plans. Dow, Hazard assessment, Planning, Emergency response, ACC, Spill prevention, EPCRA, SARA Title III.

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