Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Mathematics and Statistics

First Advisor

Mark E. Oxley, PhD


This research explores radially convergent contaminated transport in an aquifer towards an extraction well. This thesis presents the equations governing the transport of a contaminant during aquifer remediation by pulsed pumping. Contaminant transport is assumed to be affected by radial advection, dispersion, and sorption/desorption. Sorption is assumed to be either equilibrium or rate-limited, with the rate-limitation described by either a first-order law, or by Fickian diffusion of contaminant through layered, cylindrical, or spherical immobile water regions. The equations are derived using an arbitrary initial distribution of contaminant in both the mobile and immobile regions, and they are analytically solved in the Laplace domain using a Green's function solution. The Laplace solution is then converted to a formula translation (FORTRAN) source code and numerically inverted back to the time domain. The resulting model is tested against another analytical Laplace transform model and a numerical finite element and finite difference model. Model simulations are used to show how pulsed pumping operations can improve the efficiency of contaminated aquifer pump and treat remediation activities.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number



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