"Behavior of a Centrally Notched Cross-Ply and Unidirectional Ceramic M" by William A. Weidenaar

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics

First Advisor

Shankar Mall, PhD


Centrally notched (hole), cross-ply, ((0/90)2)s, and unidirectional, (0)8 laminates of Silicon Carbide fiber-reinforced Aluminosilicate glass, SiC/1723, were fatigue tested under tension-compression loading with a load ratio of -1. Damage accumulated continuously for both lay- ups, leading to eventual failure and a reduced fatigue life. Critical damage in the cross-ply consisted of longitudinal cracks in the 90° plies growing and combining with transverse cracks to effectively eliminate the 90° plies' load carrying capability and allowing the specimen to buckle. Critical damage in the unidirectional lay-up consisted of longitudinal cracks which initiated at the shear stress concentration points on the hole periphery. Reversed cyclic loading caused continued crack growth at maximum stresses below the tension-tension fatigue limit. The cross-ply lay-up appeared insensitive to the hole, while critical damage in the unidirectional lay-up was dependent on the shear stress concentrations at the hole.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number



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