An Initial Validation of Envest™ (Environmental Cost Engineering System)

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


esponsible spending of the Department of Defense (DoD) budget is of extreme importance in today's shrinking fiscal environment. This is especially true when cleaning up environmentally contaminated sites on DoD installations. Every dollar spent must directly support site cleanup and closure. To provide a tool for base level program managers to develop accurate estimates of remediation efforts, the Air Force fielded a system known as ENVEST™ (Environmental Cost Engineering System). This thesis presents an initial, independent validation of ENVEST™ utilizing Version 1.5. The methodology included: (1) establishing face validity by interviewing registered users, (2) testing remedial action technology model assumptions with a 2k factorial evaluation, and (3) comparing technology model output to output from another independently validated model. Face validity results suggest (1) ENVEST™ develops reasonably accurate remediation estimates, (2) no correlation exists between experience and model rating, and (3) mean ratings of ENVEST™ estimate accuracy are equal for each group. The 2k factorial evaluation implies the vast majority (63 out of 74) of the required input parameters for remedial action technology models are significant. Comparison between ENVEST™ and the Environmental Protection Agency's Cost of Remedial Action (CORA) model (validated: 1987-8) shows ENVEST™ cost estimates correspond favorably.

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