Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the electronic mail system at the Air Force Materiel Command Headquarters. User satisfaction was measured as an indicator of the systems effectiveness. In order to provide an objective measurement of system effectiveness, the following research questions were addressed: (1) What is system effectiveness in relation to this particular electronic mail system, and how should it be measured? (2) What measurement instruments can be adapted, modified, or created to measure effectiveness as it is defined for problem? (3) If a measurement instrument is administered what do the results of the measurement indicate, and how do the results compare to the Office Automation staffs perceptions? User satisfaction was determined to be the best possible measure of system effectiveness and it was measured by administering a user satisfaction survey. The data gathered from this survey was analyzed and that analysis provided the basis for concluding that the electronic mail system was meeting the users needs, but that the system effectiveness could be improved by providing training. Recommendations were offered to the Office Automation staff and suggestions for further research were also given.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number



The author's Vita page is omitted.

Presented to the Faculty of the School of Logistics and Acquisition Management of the Air Force Institute of Technology.
