Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Systems Engineering and Management

First Advisor

James R. Aldrich, PhD


US Air Force installations worldwide are required to implement pollution prevention (PP) programs designed to reduce the release of pollutants to the environment, and the Air Force uses opportunity assessments (OAs) to identify and evaluate waste producing processes that could benefit from a PP project. The OA process guidance provides extensive details on how to identify potential projects and on how to economically evaluate a project selected for implementation. However, it provides only cursory information about how to decide which projects should be selected for this evaluation. This thesis bridges that gap by providing a quantitative model to be used for economic screening of potential pollution prevention opportunities by USAF installations. The model is a simplified version of the economic analysis process described in the OA guidance. It requires a user to collect data on a small number of project costs and perform a simple economic computation using that data. The result is a figure which estimates the potential economic benefit or loss of a project. This figure can be used to screen out projects which might be economically poor, enabling a base to focus its money and efforts on studying those projects with the greatest potential for economic benefit.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number



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