"Analysis of the Effects of Wake Passage on Heat Transfer in a Linear T" by Kevin S. Allen

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Aeronautical Engineering


Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics

First Advisor

Paul I. King, PhD


This study investigated the effect of wake passage on the heat transfer in a linear turbine cascade. The apparatus used was the Air-Force Institute of Technology linear Turbine Cascade Test Facility (TCTF). The TCTF was fitted with a be Pulley system to facilitate a series of translating bars. The bars, when passed d upstream of the cascade, created a series of wakes. The parameters varied were freestream model Reynolds number and bar conditions, i.e. , bars in, bars out, and bar passing frequency. One blade in the TCTF was instrumented to allow pressure and temperature measurements at discrete points on the blade's surface. From the pressure and temperature data the convective heat transfer coefficient at these discrete locations was calculated. Results were compared to previous TCTF heat transfer data, empirical solutions, and other wake passage experiments. For all tests with closely spaced bars, the effect of wake passing on the heat transfer of the blade was similar to the effect of grid-generated 10% freestream turbulence on the cascade.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number

