"Simultaneous Location of Limited Reparable Support Equipment and Repai" by John N. Garcia

Simultaneous Location of Limited Reparable Support Equipment and Repair Facilities in an Air Force Environment

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


This study performed a preliminary investigation at determining the best continental United States location, or locations, for Air Force maintenance depots with limited support equipment of various types. To accomplish this, a multiple-cover multiple-equipment location-allocation heuristic was developed. The heuristic is used in a brief example to site depots and various types of support equipment, using Air Force demand data. Comparisons are made with present Air Force depot configurations and calculated "best" location(s), to determine for given types of repair, which location or locations of depots and of support equipment at depots could provide better service and lower transportation costs. From these initial findings, conclusions and recommendations for further study are provided.

AFIT Designator



This thesis record on AFIT Scholar will have a PDF available in the near future.

Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Logistics and Acquisition Management of the Air Force Institute of Technology.

This document is currently not available here.
