Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science

First Advisor

Karen W. Currie, PhD

Second Advisor

Alan R. Heminger, PhD


This research investigated the way four Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC) single manager organizations operationalized the Integrated Weapon System Management (IWSM) concept of "seamless processes." In this thesis, the IWSM concept of "seamless processes" refers to the degree of integration between acquisition and sustainment organizations. Four SPO organizations were involved in six case studies. This research focused on the way "seamless processes" affect the shifting of the organizational "center of gravity" within or between single manager organizations. An interview questionnaire was administered to 13 Product Center managers and 6 Logistics Center managers. The interview questions focused on IWSM in general, "seamless processes," and the IWSM processes of transition and consignment. These two processes are the formal means for transferring product management authority, responsibility, and workload within and between single manager organizations. Research findings indicate that individuals, the nature of work, and the organizational structure affect the development of "seamless processes." Also, in organizations that have mitigated "seams" between acquisition and sustainment functions, transfer of product management authority and responsibility occurs informally. In other instances, product-specific or managerial issues create "seams" that require formal agreements delineating authority and responsibility relationships between Product and Logistics Center organizations.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number



The author's Vita page is omitted.

Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Logistics and Acquisition Management of the Air Force Institute of Technology.
