"Dynamic Maintenance Scheduling for a Stochastic Telecommunication Netw" by Todd S. Patterson

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Operations Research


Department of Operational Sciences

First Advisor

Yupo Chan, PhD


This research proposes an analytical approach to access the relationship between maintenance facility location and communication network performance measurement using a selected dynamic maintenance scheduling protocol. There were three objectives established for this effort. The first objective was the determination of an upper-bound upon the level of performance for a telecommunication network using dynamically scheduled maintenance to evaluate maintenance depot location. This was achieved by using a two-stage algorithm, first locate a maintenance depot by using stochastic algorithms, and then to measure the resulting impact upon performance with a multi-commodity network flow model. The second objective was to develop the metrics by which network performance should be measured. This was accomplished by comparing multiple criteria using a constraint conversion technique. The third objective created the mathematical models necessary to evaluate network operations. The models were created within a least-cost multi-commodity network flow environment. The approaches used in this research are offered as initial investigations toward the long-term goal of automated maintenance scheduling for a stochastic communication network.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number

