"A Methodology to Assess the Air Force Materiel Command's Exercise Supp" by Gilbert D. Ness

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Operational Sciences

First Advisor

James T. Moore, PhD


This research performs analysis on the Air Force Materiel Command's Exercise Support Program's Weighting Scheme so that decision makers can create a more efficient and effective Resource Allocation - Integrated Process Team (RA-IPT) manpower allocation process. A linear programming (LP) model was derived from the Exercise Support Program (ESP) to assign manpower reductions throughout the Mission Element Board (MEB) organizational level in AFMC. Parametric analysis was performed on the LP model by simultaneously changing multiple objective function coefficients with the use of various direction vectors. These direction vectors were applied with the use of an incrementally increasing scalar step size and initiated from two initial states of objective function coefficient values. Throughout the analysis, multiple bounds on the LP model's constraints and different scalar step sizes were applied. Results of the analysis indicated that there were specific situations in which changes in the relative weighting scheme did effect manpower allocations to the MEBs. These results also indicated that this analysis, along with the ESP model, could allow the decision makers in the RA-IPT to become more efficient in their manpower allocation process.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number

