Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Engineering Physics

First Advisor

Richard Hartley, PhD


Observations of the spatial variability of hydraulic conductivity of the heterogeneous alluvial aquifer at Columbus Air Force Base in Mississippi are analyzed using parametric geostatistical approaches. Field studies have revealed that the heterogeneity of the aquifer hydraulic conductivity field controls the movement and dispersion of groundwater solutes. Therefore, a means of quantifying spatial variability is essential for the application of flow and solute transport models to practical problems. Application of these models requires a large number of hydraulic conductivity measurements. Geostatistical analysis and kriging estimation procedures assist in providing these large numbers of values when sampling designs have provided sparse data. The purpose of this research is to demonstrate a practical methodology for characterizing hydraulic conductivity variability in heterogeneous aquifers. Using kriging estimation procedures, provide estimations of a hydraulic conductivity field for deterministic groundwater flow.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number

