"The Roles of Offset Organizations in the Republic of Korea and the Rep" by Tsung-Cheng Wang and Sang-Bum Shin

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science

First Advisor

Craig Brandt, PhD


This study sought to describe the role of offset organizations in international arms sales. To describe the role of offset organizations, we separated the political, military, and industrial offset organizations in the international arms sale. In the literature review, offset history was introduced for the background of this research, and the impact of offset agreements on both sellers and buyers was discussed. The U.S. and McDonnell Douglas offset policies and organizations were described as a main supplier. South Korea and Taiwan offset policies procedures and organizations were described as an example of recipient countries. Korean Fighter Programs and Taiwan F-16 programs also were described as cases. As one result of this research, that both ROK and ROC want to use the offset agreements to acquire the high technology for improving their aerospace industrial competition in the world and finally become high-tech industrial countries. Second, the ROK's offset organization looks like a bottom-up organization, and it emphasizes the procurement units in Ministry of National Defense (MND). However, the ROC's offset organization is a top-down organization, and it emphasizes the top management level in Department Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA). Both of their offset organizations have some merits and defects, so we made some suggestions for both of them to effectively improve their offset organizations for the future offset agreements.

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DTIC Accession Number



Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Logistics and Acquisition Management of the Air Force Institute of Technology.

Co-authored thesis.
