"Development of the Base Support Plan Process Model for Evaluation of P" by Daniel T. Kalosky and Patrick G. Walker

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


The primary role of the United States Air Force (USAF) logistics planner is to plan for war. For the wing level logistics planner, an important war planning product they are responsible for is the base support plan (BSP). The BSP is the installation level plan to support unified and specified command wartime operations plans, as well as MAJCOM supporting plans. Two Armstrong Laboratory sponsored initiatives exist to automate and enhance some of the BSP processes: the Survey Tool for Employment Planning (STEP) and Beddown Capability and Assessment Tool (BCAT). This research explored the BSP process and improvement initiatives by (1) flowcharting the current process, (2) establishing where in the current process STEP and BCAT play a role, (3) developing a spreadsheet model of the process using Microsoft Excel and the program evaluation and review technique (PERT) for quantifying any possible BSP scenario, and (4) computing the estimated time savings STEP and BCAT can provide the USAF in one of its areas of responsibility. The results of this research are threefold. First, a detailed BSP process map now exists filling a void experienced by logistics planners at all levels. Second, a model using Excel and PERT is available for users interested in improving their BSP process. This model can be adapted to any BSP scenario. And, finally, the model showed the average time to complete a BSP with and without STEP and BCAT are significantly different.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number



Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Logistics and Acquisition Management of the Air Force Institute of Technology.

Co-authored thesis.
