"Information Superiority: Outsourcing an Air Force Core Competency?" by Hugh J. McTerman

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


The information age is upon us. More businesses are relying on access to immediate and accurate information just to survive in the global marketplace. This reliance has caused most companies to take a closer look at what core business the firm is actually in, how information impacts those strategic areas, and how best to obtain the needed information. Joint Vision 2010 identifies information superiority as the foundation for joint war fighting doctrine and concepts moving toward the year 2010. This thesis explores the perceived relationship between the core competency requirements for information superiority and the tasks defined for the Air Force communication, computer, and information career field. Then, the results of the relationships and the tendency to outsource positions based on those evaluations are investigated. With this perspective, Air Force leaders will be relying on the commanders and line officers to provide a critical assessment of the skills needed to provide the information essential for mission success. Once these skills are accurately assessed, determining the best means of acquiring the qualified personnel will be of utmost importance. Gaining an understanding of the probability of accurate assessment should be extremely useful in quantifying the validity of subsequent sourcing recommendations.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number



Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Logistics and Acquisition Management of the Air Force Institute of Technology
