"The Fate and Transport of Airborne JP-4 and JP-8 Aerosol During Cold S" by Bradford Eugene Buckman

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Mathematics and Statistics

First Advisor

Dennis W. Quinn, PhD


During cold startup (engine warm-up) procedures at northern tier bases, fuel aerosol (JP-4 and JP-8) is emitted before complete combustion of the fuel occurs. The time necessary for complete combustion to occur may be as long as 10 minutes. Hence, during these first few minutes, aerosol is emitted at relatively high concentrations. This research investigates the principle behavior of the emitted aerosol: advection, dispersion, evaporation, and settling. Using previous work in fuel jettisoning and evaporation as a foundation, this thesis investigates the physical factors affecting the airborne concentration of fuel aerosol at different times, the amount of fuel aerosol reaching the ground, and the times and distances necessary for the aerosol concentration to fall below the hydrocarbon standard after being emitted. Physical assumptions in the model are presented, and various atmospheric conditions are simulated for comparison.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number

