"Dual Approach to Examining Success in the Air Force Small Business Inn" by Kaitlyn E. Ryan

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Systems Engineering and Management

First Advisor

Amy M. Cox, PhD


Innovation is critical enough to the Department of Defense (DoD) that it is called out in both the National Defense Strategy as well as the Air Force Vision. This research takes a dual approach to consider how to improve innovation in the Air Force Small Business Innovation (SBIR) program. An investigation will be conducted to assess the relationship between perspective, incentive, innovation type and innovation success. This will be followed by an investigation to determine company characteristics that influence innovation commercialization. This document is presented in the form of two articles drafted for publication. The first article investigates the definition of innovation success by building a construct to use in considering perspective, type of innovation, and incentives. The simplified framework determined the perspectives of private organization with the incentive of Gold (financial), public organization and academic with the incentive of Good (public benefit), and innovator with all incentives (financial, public benefit, personal challenge, recognition).

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number

