"Robust Multi-Scenario Optimization of an Air Expeditionary Force Struc" by Gokay Bulut


Gokay Bulut

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Operational Sciences

First Advisor

Raymond R. Hill, PhD


Modern Times' bring change in all areas of life. Even the rate of change has changed, and is still changing to increase it's enormous speed even more. Newer and more challenging questions face the military analysts everyday putting a question mark at the end of their last answer. Recently, the question of how to structure a robust air force to meet the requirements of competing, uncertain future scenarios has been keeping them busy. The new world order does not tolerate only being able to respond to a single scenario anymore, which once was considered a hard problem. Who knows what comes next? In this thesis, we propose a robust optimization methodology to provide an answer to the multi-scenario optimization problem. The methodology employs a meta-heuristic, Scatter Search, to guide the search of the multi-scenario solution space obtained by the evaluations of CFAM, the model currently used to respond to single theater scenario objectives. A Visual Basic

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number

