"The Horizontal Extent of Cloud-to-Ground Lightning over the Kennedy Sp" by Todd M. McNamara

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Engineering Physics

First Advisor

Gary R. Huffines, PhD


The Air Force Weather Agency (AFWA) runs the Penn State/NCAR Mesoscale Model 5 (MM5) as their main mesoscale weather forecast model. One of the post-processing procedures is a diagnostic algorithm, which is used to help identify convective and non-convective wind gusts. O. Brassuer has identified a new Wind Gust Estimate (WGE), as a physically based method of computing non-convective wind gusts. The WGE surmises that Turbulent Kinetic Energy (TKE) transfers the momentum of faster upper-air winds to the surface, overcoming the buoyant energy of the surface layer. This work converts Brassuer's WGE to FORTRAN code and utilizing post-processed CONUS AFWA MM5 model output to estimate wind gusts by the WGE method. The WGE and AFWA methods are then categorically compared for accuracy and skill in forecasting wind gusts, to determine if the WGE method is superior to the current method. Three geographical regions are identified to determine gust sensitivities of the WGE and AFWA algorithms. The WGE generally performs better than the AFWA algorithm during daylight hours in correctly identifying and predicting gusts. Operational use of the WGE is warranted in the day and coastal regions, while improvements to the algorithm s handling of nighttime wind gusts is needed.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number



Alternate title: Synthesis of three-dimensional lightning data and weather radar data to determine the distance that naturally occurring lightning travels from thunderstorms

Included in

Meteorology Commons
