"Use of Critical Chain Scheduling to Increase Aircraft Availability" by Daniel D. Mattioda

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Operational Sciences

First Advisor

Stephen M. Swartz, PhD


This study addresses the operation and support cost differences between the TUAF C-130E & C-130B, and the USAF C-130J aircraft. The TUAF C-130s have been being used for more than 30 years and changing world situations give armed forces different roles, and Turkey participates in all peacekeeping missions that are assigned by NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) and the United Nations. While performing these roles, the importance of air mobility and the importance of reliability became widely appreciated. Moreover, the coming retiring age of the existing C-130s in the TUAF forced the TUAF to look for ways to improve its air mobility. Under these conditions the TUAF is trying to find a way to decrease these interruptions in the missions and to increase the capability of carrying more personnel and materials so as to increase the effectiveness of Air Lift missions. There are two ways to accomplish this target: 1. Refurbish the existing C-130s and increasing its reliability. 2. Buy the newest version of C-130 Hercules, the C-130J. This study investigates the O&S cost difference among the aircraft by establishing a model to assess the O&S cost that can be used to evaluate the competing alternatives as well as the replacement decision for the existing systems. Cost Oriented Resource Estimation (CORE) model utilized in establishing the model. Sensitivity Analysis, and Breakeven Analysis are applied to the cost figures over 40 years. The analysis showed that C-130J amortizes itself in the lifetime of the cargo aircraft. In addition to that improved avionic, and propulsion systems increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the air mobility.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number

