"Air Force JP-8 Fuel Distribution System: A Statistical Analysis to Det" by Eric J. Heath


Eric J. Heath

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Operational Sciences

First Advisor

Bradley E. Anderson, PhD


The Air Force Petroleum Office at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio collects JP-8 sampling data, but this data doesn't undergo analysis to determine the health of the base-level JP-8 fuel distribution system. Commanders possess no known confidence level when assessing base-level fuel health. Therefore, the objective of this research is to assess Air Force base-level fuel sampling data to determine the base-level sampling point that ensures a quality and healthy product at the aircraft. Also, this research seeks to identify how often correlation sampling should take place. Sample test pass rates are analyzed from three locations, receipt, storage, and vehicles/aircraft, at seven different worldwide bases. The research results indicate that the receipt location should be the focus of sampling efforts at base-level. Due to high pass rate variability, lower pass rates, low sampling requirements, low sample sizes, and a lack of complete control of the JP-8 that arrives on base, Air Force base-level fuels management should focus sampling efforts at receipt to ensure a healthy fuel flow process. Also, a Bernoulli CUSUM statistical process control (SPC) chart is introduced as a way of instantly identifying when a base-level JP-8 fuel flow process signals out-of-control. Lastly, a comparison of area and base lab sampling results show the current 45-day correlation sampling requirement ensures a healthy base-level JP-8 fuel system.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number

