"Development of a Multiple Beam Combiner Using Stimulated Raman Scatter" by Brian M. Flusche

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Department of Engineering Physics

First Advisor

Thomas G. Alley, PhD


Beam combination was demonstrated by splitting the beam from a diode pumped Q-switched Nd:YAG laser and pumping a multiple input, single output fiber squid. Beam cleanup of the resulting output beam using stimulated Raman scattering was then demonstrated in both 100 μm fiber (Stokes M2 = 1.86) and 200 μm fiber (Stokes M2 = 1.40). The performance of the 200 μm fiber was compared to that of the 100 μm fiber. Energy conversion efficiency into the Stokes beam was measured as a function of input energy and found to be limited by the attenuation characteristics of the fiber. When input energy was increased, the conversion efficiency of pump energy to Stokes energy decreased. In the 100 μm fiber, the pump-to-Stokes conversion efficiency decreased from a high of 44% to a low of 16% as input pump energy increased. In the 200 μm fiber, the pump-to-Stokes conversion efficiency decreased from a high of 19% to a low of 12% as input pump energy increased. For a given input pump energy, the 200 μm fiber was more efficient than the 100 μm fiber. Beam quality was measured via the M2 fit parameter as a function of input energy and was found to slightly degrade in both fibers as input energy increased. In addition, beam quality was measured as a function of 100 μm fiber length and determined to degrade slightly (M2 < 2.5) at fiber lengths less than 400 m. Additional fiber length beyond 400 m did not improve beam quality and reduced output energy, although the Stokes threshold was reduced.

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