"Optimized Off-Grid Energy Systems Using Climate-Based Energy Demand fo" by Jay F. Pearson

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Engineering Management


Department of Systems Engineering and Management

First Advisor

Steven J. Schuldt, PhD


Remote contingency military operations often require the use of temporary facilities powered by inefficient diesel generators that are expensive to operate and maintain. Site planners can reduce operating costs by augmenting generators with hybrid energy systems, but they must select the optimal design configuration based on the region’s climate to meet the power demand at the lowest cost. To assist planners, this paper proposes two innovative, climate-optimized, hybrid energy system selection models. The first model is capable of selecting the facility insulation type, solar array size, and battery backup system to minimize the annual operating cost. The Hybrid Energy Renewable Delivery System (HERDS) model builds on this model by minimizing the entire system’s net present cost, and accounts for the transportation costs of airlifting the system to an operational site. To demonstrate the first model’s capability in various climates, model performance was evaluated for applications in southwest Asia and the Caribbean. An additional case study was performed on Clark Air Base, Philippines to highlight the HERDS model’s capabilities. The capability of both models is expected to support planners of remote sites in their ongoing effort to minimize fuel requirements, lower annual operating costs and increase site resiliency.

AFIT Designator


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