"Comparative Analysis of a High Bypass Turbofan using a Pulsed Detonat" by Ionio Q. Andrus

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Aeronautical Engineering


Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics

First Advisor

Paul I. King, PhD


It has been proposed that the implementation of a pulsed detonation combustor in a high-bypass turbofan engine would result in an engine that is both more efficient and more reliable. The validity of the performance claims are evaluated based on a comparison between the baseline and hybrid turbofans. The hybrid pulsed detonation engine was modeled in the Numerical Propulsion Simulation System (NPSS) and shares a common architecture with the baseline turbofan model, except that the combustor of the baseline engine is replaced with a pulsed detonation combustor. Detonation effects are calculated using a closed form solution of the Chapman-Jouguet Mach number with a total energy correction applied. Cycle time is calculated to provide a reasonable estimate of frequency for the user input geometry, and the losses due unsteady flow are accounted for by applying pressure and temperature losses to the fluid. A parametric study was performed to evaluate the effects of these losses on net thrust and TSFC. There is a definite level of acceptable loss that if surpassed makes pulsed detonation combustion a good candidate for inclusion into a hybrid turbofan engine.

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