"Increasing Combat Aircraft Survivability Through Coherent Self-Protect" by Soner Ozer


Soner Ozer

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Michael A. Saville, PhD


When the battlefields were within the visual range, the objective of deception tactics in warfare was to deceive the human senses. In the battlefield of electromagnetic spectrum, the objective of deception is to deceive the sensors of the enemy weapon systems. The survivability of the aircraft operating in hostile environment is of prime importance to the mission planner. If the aircraft can deny its location information to the tracking radar of the radar guided threat missile system, this, in return, may increase its survivability. The deception, a tactic which stems from the wisdom of ancient battles, incarnated in the form of Electronic Attack (EA) can give this capability to the aircraft operating in a hostile environment. Self-Protection Jammers (SPJs) mounted on aircraft that employ deception-repeater jamming techniques and the resulting effect of the deception jamming on the enemy sensor systems will be examined in this study. The impact of the specific flight path and formation geometry should be considered both from the perspective of coherent SPJs effectiveness and the survivability. The individual effectiveness of the EA by SPJs is usually limited by the available Effective Radiated Power (ERP). Due to limitations on the size of the aircraft, one can not afford to build powerful SPJs. The jamming technique and the effect of multiple jammers with respect to jamming effectiveness need to be examined for mission planning analysis. The specific jamming technique evaluated is the combined Range Gate Pull-Off (RGPO) and Velocity Gate Pull-Off (VGPO) against pulse Doppler radar. The challenge is to decide the least vulnerable flight path and the formation geometry for a strike formation in an air-to-ground engagement scenario. The degree of survivability provided by the combination of the formation geometry, flight path and the EA (multiple spatially dispersed coherent jammers) is the focus of this research. The modeling and simulation of the interactions between the self-protection jammer and the pulse Doppler tracking radar with respect to formation geometry and flight path is the initial objective.

AFIT Designator


DTIC Accession Number

